Comprehensive Information Note Regarding the Use of Cookies

Preliminary Information

This “comprehensive information note” has been specially written and customised for this site according to the requirements of the Provision issued on 8th May 2014 by the Italian Privacy Authority (Garante) for the protection of personal data.  It integrates and updates other information notes already published on the website and/or previously issued by the Company. Their combined presence provides all the elements required by art. 13 of European Regulation no. 2016/679 and by additional Provisions issued by the Privacy Authority for the protection of personal data.

Important Notice

All third parties are informed that using this information note, or even only part of it, on other websites where it would surely be not applicable and/or wrong and/or incongruous, may involve the application of severe sanctions by the Privacy Authority for the protection of personal data.

 Subject of the Information Note

Our company applies such technologies using so-called “cookies” in the pages of this website: the scope of this information note is to precisely and clearly explain the user how they are applied. This document wholly cancels and replaces any other preceding direction provided by the company regarding cookies; in case they should be entirely considered obsolete.


What are cookies?

Cookies are text strings (small files) transferred by the visited website to the user’s terminal (pc, tablet, smartphone, etc.), where they are stored and in case transferred back to the same visited sites in case of a subsequent visit made by the same user.


Types of cookies and their purposes

The types of cookies used in this website are as follows:

1.     Technical Cookies: they allow the user an excellent and rapid navigation of the website. The user can efficiently use the offered services and/or options and allow, for example, purchasing or logging to access reserved areas. These cookies are necessary to make the website more usable. However they can be disabled.

2.     Analytic Cookies: they are tools for anonymous and aggregate web analysis. They allow obtaining information regarding how the users use the website, how they reached it, the number of visits and their duration, etc. These cookies allow introducing improvements in the website, as they make access easier, and compiling statistics. These cookies are not necessary for an excellent use of the website and therefore they can be disabled.

3.     Third Party Cookies: These cookies are installed on the user’s terminal by the operators of third party websites, by means of this website. The main purpose of third party cookies is analysis. They mostly result from the operation of Google Analytics. More information on Google Analytics is available by clicking on the following link:

To disable cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting navigation data, it is possible to download the browser plug-in to deactivate Google Analytics clicking on the following link:


Browser Settings

We also inform that the user is free to configure privacy parameters regarding installation and use of cookies at any moment, directly on the browser and following relevant instructions.

In particular the user can set the so-called “private browsing mode”: thanks to this mode the browser stops saving browsing history, possible passwords entered, cookies and other information regarding browsed websites.

We also inform that in case the user decides to deactivate all cookies (including technical cookies), quality and rapidity of the services offered by this website could drastically worsen and access to some sections of the site could be denied.


Practical Guidance for the User for Correct Browser Setting

Use your browser to stop or limit the use of cookies of this site and of other websites: follow the simple instructions mentioned below for the most commonly used browsers.

Google Chrome: click the top right icon called “Customise and control Google Chrome”, then select menu item called “Settings”. A window opens: select menu item called “Show advanced settings”, then in menu item called “Privacy” click button “Content setting”, where it is possible to set the block for all or part of the cookies.

Microsoft Internet Explorer: click the top right icon called “Tools” , then select menu item called “Internet options”. A window opens: select menu item called “Privacy” where it is possible to set the block for all or part of the cookies.

Mozilla Firefox: in the top left drop-down menu select menu item called “Options”. A window opens: select menu item “Privacy” where it is possible to set the block for all or part of the cookies. 


This document was written on: 25/05/2018

TECNOMOTOR is a brand of  Group

NEXION S.p.A. 42015 Correggio (RE) Italy , Via Modena n° 34 - Tel. +39 0522 747411 - Fax +39 0522 631997

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